Thursday, July 19, 2012

Dry Eye and Curly Coat Syndrome

Tuesday was a sad day here in the Lloyd household. We got the dreaded DNA test results for Ellie. 
Here is the story:
A few months back we took Ellie and Cash in for their annual shots. Lo and behold the Vet noticed that Ellie had some pigment forming on the front of her eye and also had very low tear production. He put her on medicated drops for a month and on our return he said there was no improvement and it was very important that we took her to a specialist. Derek was Indiana at the time so I spent the day researching what could be going on with my little baby:( I ended up crying the entire time and didn't realize the stress I was causing her. I found her head the next day bleeding from her scratching so hard. 
Now, I know that the internet is a horrible thing. Because if you go looking for some kind of disease you will find it. But we have been very unlucky with vets thus far and I wanted to find a solution. I landed on something called Dry Eye and Curly Coat Syndrome. A syndrome unique only to Ellie's breed. I knew for sure that she had the dry eye part it was the curly coat that we wanted to test for. So I ordered it and sent it back in. This whole process took about a month and my emotions had calmed a little during this time. But after getting that email with a result saying she was positive I broke down. 
Here is how uncommon this syndrome is: In May of this year they tested 2,803 CKCS and of the dogs tested less than .15% were "affected". So our dilemma right now is how to treat Ellie when most vets have never even heard of the syndrome. I just want to be her superhero and save her from what pain this syndrome will bring. 
Now, I know I sound like a dog freak but I can't describe the joy that this little girl brings into our lives. We couldn't ask for a better dog. I hate imagining what life would be like without her and just typing this out makes me cry. I can hardly stand it. I have never experienced this type of attachment to an animal before. I guess it's because I don't really view her as an animal. If you knew her personality and looked into her eyes you would understand. Sometimes I forget that she can't talk. She really is my little girl. I have to learn how to stay positive and not let the uncertainty of her illness affect our happiness.

 Here is to hoping we can find a vet who will help us help Ellie.....
 The Lloyd's