Thursday, March 21, 2013

Because I love my friends

Watch out world!
Come this September there will be the cutest bundle of joy added to my favorite couple here in Idaho. Cortnee and Jason are pregnant and I couldn't be happier for them!
She wanted to share her big news in a special way. Enter Pinterest. She found a cute idea where the parents-to-be use chalk to write birthdays on the bottom of their shoes. Now, I don't know very many cowboys but if I was to classify someone as a cowboy/cowgirl it would be Jason and Cortnee. So naturally they had to wear their cowboy boots. She asked me to be their photographer and I had a blast!
If you live in Twin Falls you know this spot. It is used ALL THE TIME. But come on.... with that gorgeous ombre door how can you not use it. I seriously want to steal everything from that area. I love brick, aged wood and I seriously love turquoise. Sigh.... I could seriously live there.
While Cortnee was getting the shoes ready I decided to use Derek as my model while I was testing out settings on my camera. He's a natural.
Congrats beautiful friends! We love and adore you both!
Until next time....
Mrs. Lloyd