Come this September there will be the cutest bundle of joy added to my favorite couple here in Idaho. Cortnee and Jason are pregnant and I couldn't be happier for them!
She wanted to share her big news in a special way. Enter Pinterest. She found a cute idea where the parents-to-be use chalk to write birthdays on the bottom of their shoes. Now, I don't know very many cowboys but if I was to classify someone as a cowboy/cowgirl it would be Jason and Cortnee. So naturally they had to wear their cowboy boots. She asked me to be their photographer and I had a blast!
If you live in Twin Falls you know this spot. It is used ALL THE TIME. But come on.... with that gorgeous ombre door how can you not use it. I seriously want to steal everything from that area. I love brick, aged wood and I seriously love turquoise. Sigh.... I could seriously live there.
While Cortnee was getting the shoes ready I decided to use Derek as my model while I was testing out settings on my camera. He's a natural.
Congrats beautiful friends! We love and adore you both!
Until next time....
Mrs. Lloyd