December/January was a busy and fun time here at the Lloyd's.
It was Derek's birthday. He is 28 now. Weird. Such a grown up now, even though he rarely acts like one:) I asked him what type of birthday he wanted this year. He asked for a romantic one. So I kidnapped him and surprised him with an evening in tropical paradise. No not really. Just the black swan in Pocatello. But that's equally as cool, right? We had a waterfall, 3D tv (watch Avatar in 3D I dare you), and a heart shaped tub like the one in Dumb and Dumber(D's favorite movie). What more could a guy ask for?
Then we had our favorites the Larsen's come up and stay the weekend. Every year in Twin Falls this private home does a gigantic light show. It is insane! 

Like most people Christmas is my absolute favorite time of year. I can't get enough of it. I wish it lasted longer! Derek and I were spoiled this year and can't thank our neighbors, family and friends enough for the wonderful presents.
I think Derek and I should go down as the best dog owners in the world. We may or may not have created a little addict out of our Ellie. See, she loves chasing light and/or lasers. I found this little gem on Sharper Image. Ellie goes nuts for hours. She will literally have her tongue to the floor and not stop. She will go as long as we let her and as soon as we go to turn it off she will kick it in to full gear and try to pretend she isn't tired so she can keep playing. As soon as we wake up in the morning she will run downstairs to where we keep the toy and just sit there. I seriously think something is wrong with her. We created a monster.
Derek and I bought a new car in December. Yes, we have problems too. We got a Jeep Rubicon. I wasn't too excited about it at first but now I'm loving it. We have already created some really fun memories! On New Year's Day we took it out for a little spin with the Dogs.
It was so fun and then Ellie got a little weird. She stared jumping and biting the air like she was possessed. Then we realized she was trying to catch the exhaust smoke. What a weird little pup we own.
One, two skip a few and then our two week vacation began!!! It started off in Vegas...Since we got there a day before the Miss America pageant they had a few empty suites. We were upgraded to one and I mean I guess that was fine. I mean, the bathroom was just okay. We didn't really like the view of the Bellagio fountains from our room.
It was amazing! We had so much fun and I found out it was Derek's first time on the strip. So of course I had to corrupt him and expose him to the clickers and porn on every corner and bus.
Then we took a detour to the Hoover Dam.
Derek's company really took care of us! They flew us to Puerto Rico. Paid for our hotel. Paid for ALL of our food. Paid for our activities and did the most extravagant dinners. I was blown away and almost felt like it was too much! We were lucky and I hope Derek hits his goals next year! Derek's best friend works for one of Mycogen's dealers and he qualified to go so we got to hang out with them the whole time:)
P.s. go to Puerto Rico this time of year. The weather is perfect!
Our hotel was on top of a this hill with the most gorgeous views!
I'm sorry but I had to include this picture. I know women take a lot of self portraits but this lady was taking it to a whole new level. It didn't stop for 30 minutes straight. I seriously think she set some sort of world record.
This little sucker tried to attack me. So naturally I had to take a picture with it.

Here is Krystal about to baptize me. Ha ha no. But we did get some awesome war paint on our horseback ride through the rainforest.
To finish off our trip we had a little culinary class in old San Juan and got to do a little shopping:)

Until Next Time....
The Lloyd's