Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Yard Project

I have meant to post this for months now. I am lame. So let's get started....
A few of our friends and family have seen the house since we finished our yard project. But here is an update for those who haven't. 
Derek and I moved into this house in February. The yard had been covered in snow and everything was mostly dead. So we had no idea what we were in for!

Here is a before picture:
Once spring came around we realized that every single one of our rose bushes was dead and wild looking. 
We decided they had to go! So we had Derek's parents come over and help us pull out these suckers. We got a little shovel happy and decided to dig out all of the ugly.
 Here it is cleaned out.
Then we took a shopping trip to the local gardening center.
I forgot to mention that the area near the cement was filled with rocks. It was a huge project cleaning that out. We wanted to use bark instead because we liked that look WAY better!

Here is our finished front yard:
 We also painted our front door white. The purple had to go! I think next year we will plant more flowers. Our yard project ended up being more expensive than we had planned. Plus, the flowers we chose died very quickly because they were getting too much sun exposure. Owning a house is hard work!

I am going to try and post some updated pictures of the inside of our house soon. So stay tuned:)

Until next time... The Lloyd's